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Development Trend of Metal Stamping Die

Time:2017-02-15 Views:77
On the international hardware market, due to the rapid development of production technology and the rising labor price, the developed countries in Europe and the United States have shifted the production of universal products to developing countries, only producing metal stamping products with high added value, while China has a strong market potential, so it is more conducive to developing into a large hardware processing export country.
China Tool Market Dynamics

China‘s tool market is mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shandong and Taiwan, among which Zhejiang and Guangdong are the most prominent. The proportion of medium pressure die in the metal stamping die industry will continue to increase. With the development of vehicles, motors and other products in the direction of lightweight, there will be higher and higher requirements for the number, life and complexity of die-casting dies. With the development of replacing steel with plastics and wood with plastics, and the continuous improvement of the precision and complexity of product parts, the proportion of plastic dies will continue to increase, and their precision and complexity will also increase accordingly.

The standardization of metal stamping die and the application of die standard parts can greatly affect the die manufacturing cycle The use of die standard parts can not only shorten the die manufacturing cycle, but also improve the die quality and reduce the die manufacturing cost. At the same time, the prospect of rapid and economic die is very broad As people require that the shorter the production cycle of the mold, the better, so the development of rapid economic mold has attracted more and more attention Medium and low melting point alloy mould, spray molding mould, electric casting mould, precision casting mould, laminated mould, ceramic blister mould, light molding, rapid manufacturing of low-cost moulds using heat hardening rubber and other fast economic moulds will be further developed. Rapid mould bases, quick change punches, etc. will also be increasingly developed In addition, the technology of computer controlled and manipulator operated quick mold changing device and quick mold testing device will also be developed and improved.
The future of the metal stamping parts processing industry. In view of the current development trend of the stamping parts processing industry, we propose several strategies for tomorrow‘s development

(1) Electronic technology has moved from design to commerce, and e-commerce has brought buyer auctions, increasing the difficulty of competition in the industry.
(2) Enterprises determined to participate in market competition must develop specialized production of products. 
(3) The stamping parts factory will participate in the design and functional supply of the main engine of the main engine factory.  
(4) Talents are the focus of enterprises‘ competition, and the daily conduct of personnel re education and online education is becoming increasingly important.

The main feature of metal stamping parts is parts or component factory, which is the main feature of stamping industry Different from other blank manufacturing, China‘s stamping market and technology are not perfect because many stamping plants belong to main engine plants. However, the market for small stamping parts is very mature in some regions in the south.